The nominee for best picture deals with the conflict in Northern Ireland between the 1960s and 1990s and, more specifically, a family debating whether to leave their home in Belfast or not. After all the students had arrived at the theater, popcorn and nachos were bought, and shortly after, the movie started.
The opening of the film shows the audience one of the riots while introducing us to the main characters, of whom especially twelve-year-old Jude Hill does an amazing job as a child actor. Most of the movie was in black and white, which was cleverly used as a plot device but also serves the general aesthetics of the film. Speaking of the cinematography, it is safe to say that this is one of the movie’s biggest strengths. It might not be rich in action, however, in my opinion, it does a wonderful job visualizing what life was like for citizens struggling with the conflicts between Catholics and Protestants. The movie also manages to show an innocent, heartwarming love story between two children and not miss out on humorous scenes either. Moreover, the movie challenged us students, to understand the typical Irish accent, which is something we do not get to hear very often.
Overall, it was a very pleasant class trip which the students enjoyed very much.
Watching a movie at Cineplexx
Linz - 03.10.2022
On Monday, October 3rd, all the 8th-graders went to Cineplexx to watch a movie called “Belfast”.
Lia Klinger 8k
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