At half past nine we arrived at the train station there. We walked along a nice path where we saw thousands of colored leaves.
When we saw our youth hostel called "Friends of nature we were amazed because we didnt expect such a nice and beautiful hostel. It was very large and nicely furnished.
Before we entered our rooms, we left our luggage at the hostel and went for a hike through "Vogelgesangsklamm, where we saw impressing waterfalls, and afterwards we arrived at "Bosrockhütte where we had lunch and enjoyed sitting in the sun.
After this long break we went through the wood back to the hotel, where we had a rest in our rooms.
At half past five we had a delicious evening meal, which consisted of three courses.
After some relaxing time in our rooms we had a meeting on different kinds of addiction, held by two very friendly girls from the 8th form.
Afterwards we could enjoy the rest of our evening. We really liked sitting outside, singing, playing the guitar and talking. We had to be quiet at ten pm.
We started the next morning with a good breakfast at 7:30. After some free time- we did a bit of shopping, we took the bus to "Wurzeralm and went up the mountain by cable railway.
Most of us are not sporty at all, but we tried to enjoy the hike. The nice thing about it was that we even saw some snow!
We also liked the beautiful little mountain lake which was blue and green and sparkling in the sun.
We were also very pleased about the little restaurant up there because it was warm inside.
When we arrived at our accommodation we packed our suitcases and walked back to the railway station.
We had a good time on the train to Linz.
Everything was good fun.
The trip was a good opportunity to get to know one another better.
Project Days - Spital am Pyhrn 5z
Linz - 29.09.2008
Wildromantischer Ausblick
On Monday, September 29th, our class met at the railway station in Linz and took the train at eight am to Spital am Pyhrn.
Bernadette Hones, Clara Eckert, Tina Grosz, alle 5z
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